Here’s how to invest in BitcoinSV (BSV) blockchain applications and enterprises that tap into the exponential power of micropayments.
“If you want to avoid the pitfalls of our current bubblicious overpriced stock market, and even frothier "cryptos", yet still invest in something with upside, focus your research gaze toward BSV-land like the Babe eye-balled the right-field bleachers.”
~~ Technology analyst Jack Pitts, who bought google IPO at $80/share in 2004.
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This is not financial, investment, legal, tax, or other advice. It is for information only. You assume the sole responsibility to evaluate the merits and risks associated with the use of any information herein.
Build Useful Apps, Don't Hoard
We need investors who want to build useful applications that will revolutionize the parallel economy and bring wealth to all. Read The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life (#ad) by Lynne Twist.
Please do not buy and hoard BitcoinSV. There's no point anyway. Dr. Craig Wright himself predicted in early 2023 that BitcoinSV won't go above $20,000 max:
“If the world is run [on BitcoinSV] I think it's more likely 10 or 20,000 [dollars per BSV] because of the volume. It won't be people holding. It'll be people using. So I don't think it'll ever be more than that.”
The reason is that BSV is IN USE. Do we see a quarter or half-crown soaring in value? No, it's in daily use as cash. No scammers are speculating on it.
BSV is digital CASH. The more we use it as cash, the more its price stays steady. It's our job to use this digital cash today, get local shops to use it, so we are not left behind with CBDC as our only option.
If BSV must be traded, then it should be as a commodity purely for its actual utility. We don't want the WallStreet/BTC mentality in the world of BitcoinSV. Their single goal is to make money out of money, sucking all wealth out of the productive economy.
Ground Floor Opportunity
★ Bau App
Is an all-in-one construction-project management solution that combines IoT with blockchain and metaverse — possibly the first in the world to come to market combining all three technologies.
Especially for investors who want to fix the broken construction industry globally.
Civil engineer Dr. Maximilian Sinan Korkmaz is the visionary behind this App. He founded the most brilliant social media app in web3 which reached one million transactions a day (on level 1 of the BSV blockchain) only a few months after its launch.
“Bitcoin [BSV] is already capable of handling around 100,000 transactions per second and this number is increasing year by year. Satoshi envisions Bitcoin having 10 billion transaction per second, and we estimate around 10 billion transactions per day with Bau App in the first phase. Therefore, Bau App will not necessitate more transactions than Bitcoin can handle.
I believe that the investors will be eager to invest in Bau App once we are able to make them grasp the level of change we are aiming to create with Bau App within construction industry. We have a hardworking and intelligent team that have extensive experience in construction and blockchain.
As a structural engineer, I feel ashamed due to the primitiveness of construction industry. Unfortunately, I know nobody else who proposes ways to overcome the challenges that actually matter in the industry.
My father named me after one of the greatest civil engineers in history, "Grand Sinan", and I will change the construction industry for good. I owe this to my father.
If we don't do it, then who? If we don't do it now, then when?”
★ Connect with Dr. Korkmaz via his website at:
The company builds not only houses and office buildings, but also futuristic structures, such as robotic bridges that can self-diagnose and self-repair through artificial intelligence.
Opportunities for Regular Investors
(1) To get into a good investment, register yourself as an investor at CoinGeek, which is owned by Ayre Ventures.
★ Bitcoin Ventures: — scroll down to the form and under "Purpose" select "willing to invest."
(2) Browse through the BSV ecosystem: — this is not remotely a full list! But it gives you a taste of the flavors.
Block Dojo
(3) Satoshi Block Dojo:
The Block Dojo is a BSV blockchain incubator to help SME's (small & medium enterprises) to grow into companies that will change the world.
Investors can choose to put money into individual startups emerging from a Dojo program, or take a share in all of them through investing in the Dojo itself.
Founder Craig Massey enjoys the backing of a network of investors that he's built up over many years of launching and exiting successful companies (three of which were sold in multi-million-GBP deals). The Dojo is his eighth company.
He reports how he watched about 150 hours of Dr. Craig Wright speaking, to break through the negative PsyOp being waged by the global elite against BitcoinSV. The Dojo is the most exciting thing he has ever done.
★ Craig Massey: Bitcoin SV is the golden goose to lay the golden eggs, conversation with Charles Miller:
Below Massey presents the opportunity and ROI figures for investors, at Dubai global blockchain convention May 2022.
★ Satoshi Block Dojo wants market-changing Bitcoin products:
Massey reports [edited]:
“With loads of founders [Dojo attendees] we find that they're anticipating using lots of different blockchains. They believe the fantasy that they can deliver their solution using Ethereum! The first thing we have to do is disavow them of that nonsense. We very quickly show them the differences between building on an enterprise blockchain which is scalable with low transaction fees [BSV] versus ALL the others.”
The Dojo website displays current investment opportunities. The plan is to open 14 new Dojos around the world by 2030.
★ Sign up as an investor at:
(4) Block Venture Studios:
* More info at:
Block Venture Studio (a division of Satoshi Block Dojo) helps corporates, VCs and wealth management funds to build game-changing portfolios of new companies in the blockchain / Web 3 space.
The BVS Roadshow is a free workshop, delivered in the offices of corporates who are keen to see blockchain opportunities in their industry.
BVS provides an entrepreneurial team to identify opportunities and run innovation experiments. It's a shortcut for big corporates to move into the disruptive tech of blockchain.
(5) Pacer Ventures in Lagos, Nigeria:
Invests in innovators solving the most critical problems on the African continent. Focus is on early stage investments within the sectors that have the biggest impact.
Pacer Ventures has a strategic relationship with the Founder Institute, the world's biggest pre-seed startup accelerator based in Silicon Valley and with chapters across 75 countries.
The Founder Institute's mission is to empower communities of talented people to build impactful technology companies worldwide.
★ Watch these clips (with links to original interviews) with Paul Rajchgod of Ayre Ventures, Craig Massey and Osmin Callis of Satoshi Block Dojo, and Gbemi Akande of Pacer Ventures:
(6) Ryzer App in India:
India's first blockchain-based tokenized investment platform. The app allows users to buy security tokens for assets such as real estate (commercial and farm), solar, invoice discounting, and startup equity. You buy tokens attached to the investments, which are then stored on the BitcoinSV blockchain.
Tokenization in real estate reduces the cost of entry, and increases liquidity and transparency. Ryzer started out on polygon blockchain then switched to BitcoinSV. CEO Surya Gedela explains why:
One reason he gives:
“The third factor is the regulatory compliance aspect. BSV is more sophisticated and proven than any other blockchain in this regard. Our country, which is India, is focusing on regulatory compliance around blockchain and we thought it was a perfect fit for us.”
Investing in BSV Mining
★ Gorilla Pool at:
Gives investors the chance to buy a managed ASIC miner. The mining nodes are hosted in north America — Texas, Washington State, Pennsylvania, and rural western Canada.
Gorilla is the first truly distributed mining pool. All nodes work together regardless of location. Plus the pool includes independent hashing farms that mine with them.
By April 2022, Gorilla Pool had mined the biggest block in Bitcoin history — nearly four gig (3.9GB) — beating the record of 3.87GB held by a public company TAAL (now gone private).
They proved that transaction fees must exceed the block reward, for miners to stay solvent.
For their historic block, Gorillapool earned 9.76 BSV in transaction fees, and 6.25 BSV block subsidy = total 16.01 BSV earned in 16 minutes.
Ponzi-BTC miners rely 100% on the block reward. At seven transactions a second, BTC pays virtually zero transaction fees — which is a big reason BTC will crash, miners will go to where the transaction fees are, the big bucks.
To buy into a BitcoinSV managed ASIC miner:
Complete the form at, and
Watch this May 2022 interview with the founders...
Kurt explains that theoretically, the only limits on block size are those imposed by physics, and nobody knows what those limits are yet.
In the future, he sees a world of petabyte or exabyte blocks full of data that will be “absurdly profitable to mine.”
40:34, Kurt [edited]: “I think that mining operations are going to be thought of the way we think of ISPs today. I'm talking AT&T, Verizon-level companies that are processing transactions for the global economy.”
“I think we could absolutely be one of those brands someday, assuming we make the right decisions. We can continually position ourselves to be lean, mean, profitable, and provide real service to the real economy. If BSV is successful and we ride that ship up, we'll be a massive company. That's the long-term goal.”
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